How AI adoption could positively affect change management in UK policing.

Artificial intelligence could be said to have had a bit of a rough time in the press recently, with the much-discussed looming technical doom taking over the airwaves, we’ve decided to adopt a more positive outlook, and focus on the positive potential for this exciting new use of technology.

Indeed with the rapid adoption of artificial intelligence, we’re already starting to see cases of the more agile forces recognising and incorporating AI into their practice with what has been described as ‘positive outcomes’ so far. We believe that by following examples like this, the leadership among police forces can quickly realise efficiencies and service improvements through AI tech adoption.

Below we’ve listed five means that we believe AI will provide avenues for effective change in UK policing going forward.

1. Enhanced Decision Making

AI can provide forensic data-led insight and predictive analytics that will go an enormous length to empower decision making across UK policing leadership. From analysing historical data and trends, artificial intelligence could be adopted to identify areas for improvement, recommend strategies and predict the impact of change on the ultimate objectives of crime reduction and community wellness.

2. Allocating Resources Effectively

AI could be used to analyse factors such as crime hotspots, busy patrol routes, workforce insights and feedback and resource allocation. This would enable detailed analytics to determine areas of unsustainable excess and identify misallocated resources to drive up efficiency through the force.

3. Stakeholder Communications

AI is a language model ultimately and could be cleverly deployed to facilitate interactive and communications tech such as chatbots, communications pipelines and survey tools to engage with the forces teams and wider public to gather, analyse and provide solutions against gathered feedback.

4. Training and Development

A key feature of AI is the capacity to build customised and well-structured content against a specific brief. In this manner, AI can be used to personalise training and development programmes in order that they feel more tailored to the given member of staff, driving individual engagement and growth, and ultimately resulting in greater effectiveness of the training materials.

5. Performance Monitoring

A foremost concern of a typical change management programme is performance monitoring of course. AI can be used to generate, inspect and analyse complicated models of data, and so can be used to build a performance monitoring matrix against which decisions can be quickly made.

While we understand the hesitation around AI, we’re firm believers that those who cautiously keep a keen eye on the potential brought about by AI, will soon start to reap the benefits of this exciting new technology. Our change management teams, and community of associates are well versed in the practice of evolving technical programmes within the Criminal Justice, Defence and Central Government sectors, helping our customers to achieve their strategic goals while driving efficiency.

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Stephanie Bishop

Stephanie is one of our home-grown talents, starting from our Resource Management team in 2018, delivering across Transport and Defence projects. Now our Head of Consulting, Stephanie leads across business development, client engagement and bids, specialising in Defence and Central Government programme and project delivery. She is passionate about gender diversity and delivering high quality services to our customers.